Did you know that vehicle crashes are the number one cause of unintentional injury-related deaths for children under 14? Most of these accidents actually occur close to home, often when parents don’t bother to buckle a child since they are only driving a short distance.
ER doctors such as Josyann Abisaab will advise that you absolutely never turn on the engine to the car until everyone is buckled in – no matter how short the trip will be. In addition, air bags can kill and seriously injure children and children under 12 should always ride in the back. This is particularly true if the car has a passenger-side air bag.
Similarly, it’s essential to know which car seats to use for your children, and to use them correctly. Children who are under one and weigh less than 20 pounds need to be in rear-facing seats. The seat can be turned around when the baby is one and weighs between 20 and 40 pounds. Once your child reaches 40 pounds, he can be in a booster seat, and should remain so until he is approximately 80 pounds.